Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Barbservations on Seasons

My  latest surprise, James
I used to sort of get annoyed when mom would say, I wonder where the time has gone; now I know exactly what she meant.  I find myself of late saying things that I've often heard her say & vow I would never say anything such as that; also, I now note my children rolling their eyes at some of my remarks (did I ever do that - oh, yes, many times.) Where, oh where & when did the summer of 2012 disappear to? One I will never forget as long as my fading memory lasts; it has been the hottest/driest one that I can recall, utility bills over the top due to a/c (tu, Lord for it!) & water bills due to watering plants, gardens; our dead lawns, creatures searching for water.  Just last year it was water, water everywhere!  Thankfully, we finally did get some of the prayed for rain & things greened up around here once again. I wonder if our water table is still way too low. I'll have to wait until Brian or Bob of KFVS imparts that info.

It has been a difficult summer in may ways; loved ones & friends have gone on before us, my daughter & brother lost their current jobs, another sign of the times in our area. Both of them had worked at their jobs for many years, my daughter at a factory in Sikeston & brother is/was a dialysis nurse at the University Hospital in Columbia. Her job is moving to southern CA, my guess being due to the fact they can pay lower wages & no benefits & brother's job was axed due to a reduction in our state budget. He will be 60 this month, so he has vowed to stay with the state 2 more years in order to get in his 30 years. Most likely, another case of being able to hire new graduates at the bottom of the pay scale. They assigned him to an administrative position & he hates not being able to work with patients. Mom celebrated her 92nd birthday in September. She is growing more frail, is confined to home due to extreme hearing & visual deficits, has to use a walker to get around the house, has skin cancer on her face. Our pastor was re-assigned & our congregation once again had to wait approximately 6 months to see who our newly assigned one would be. And, oh yes, it's election year, such an important, yet stressful, time in our lives. I just can't believe it's always been like this. During this season, I screen every telephone call to make sure it's not a political candidate soliciting.

As the late Jimmy Dean said in the song, "The Farmer & the Lord," you might think I have whining down to a fine art; but let me say this one thing loud & clear, I have been abundantly blessed through it all.  My quartet gave me a surprise birthday party that many family & friends attended, several of my "merry widow" friends & myself have been busy on the road attending singings, searching out consignment shops, & other varied activities, Trinity was assigned an awesome new pastor who already has us "up & at 'em", & it rained enough for me to plant a rose bush & tree that I had pampered to keep alive because the ground was too hard to plant them earlier. But, (drum roll), the best surprise of this season was the arrival of a new grandson!  He was a total shock to me since he didn't arrive in the usual manner. Loyd is over 40 & Heather is not as young as she was when their first 2 boys arrived. Jake & Joe are now tweens, so I assumed that was it for their family. James was the foster child of a family who attended church with them. I noted one night when the Dexter Senior Choir, of which I am a proud member, sung at St. Joe that Loyd & Heather were entertaining James & I could see their smiles. A short time later, they brought him with them to our family Sunday lunch & made the announcement. A little blonde, curly headed, cutie pie was joining the Rice bunch. Now I have a grandson who is 34 years & James is 17 months with 4 more in between, 1 granddaughter, & 3 greats! My oldest great began kindergarten this year at Dexter. Grandparent's Day was fun. Tanner's teacher was one of those who went to school in Bloomfield during the season I was an employee of my beloved school system.  I love my humble attempts to write, a lifelong dream of mine. I'm certainly not a gifted writer, I just enjoy sharing & celebrating with all the awesome folks in the area of the globe I'm blessed to call home. Alan Hedrick has given me this opportunity in the ShowMe Times, an entertaining, informative online source of news & the pictures are fabulous. Jessica Snider, who works for SMT, is "editor" & is doing a great job. 

I wish I could report that Imogene is improving health wise, but that is not the case. The top of our pyramid is transitioning & that causes her family stress & heartache during this season of her life. The women of her generation never cease to amaze me. What givers & positive mentors so many of their number have been & continue to be. Mom has worked hard her entire life, & now the ravages of time have caught up with her. Yet she continues to maintain her routine when I can hardly fathom how she can take one more step. She can't read the Bible any more, so I get to read to her & I often think it is a witness to our entire neighborhood since I have to speak so loudly. She reminds me when it's time to pay bills, wants to know the 5 W's (who, what, where, when, why) when I leave the house even though I'm nearing my 7th decade, asks me each Sunday if my bunch was in church & if not, why, & does lots of "wondering why." I am so thankful that she still has the capacity to do as well as she does. She vows she's anxiously awaiting her Master's call, yet she takes care of herself as best she can. I assure her God has such an important purpose for her & He will call her to her final home in His season. So, during this season of such beauty & grandeur, I thank God for the seasons of  life, each of them holds it's own lessons in life & living.  Winter is coming, but spring follows. May all the seasons that await us be full of love, laughter, thanksgiving, blessings!  


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

As For Me and My House

Chris is a new dad!
As mom was watching President Obama give his address last night, she commented, "signs of the times". I had a friend over for her birthday supper,  so to be quite honest, I was waiting with baited breath (lol) to see what all the news commentators would have to say this morning & for at least a week; therefore, I wasn't paying close attention. At promptly 7 p.m., she went to bed as always even though we still had company. You don't change routines/schedules around Em's house.

After she retired & my guest went home,  I was doing my usual pondering as I was sitting in my overstuffed recliner; what a blessing this sad looking chair is unless you are trying to do some low impact exercises while sitting in it.  I am working on improving my health;  one reason that motivates me is a new great granddaughter, Reagan Faye Guiling, courtesy of my second born grandson & his wife, Pam. Move over grandsons, now there are two girls to keep you guys in line! Mom's words popped back into my head & I was musing over the events of this past year - "signs of the time", a phrase that always used to put the fear of God in me at revivals. I lived in fear of the atom bomb, all world leaders except the ones from the US, (another lol), drunks, some of my kin, strangers, etc.  

What are the signs of the times in my life I mused - obviously, I am growing older & slower, yet still attempting to assist with mom who has now exceeded 9 decades of earthly life while looking forward to joining many loved ones & friends in her eternal home. I admit that two women in the same household can be trying at times, yet I rejoice that she is still with us, guiding & praying for the entire clan & she is still able to be in her home, though her steps are slow & guarded. We laughingly say that she interviews us about events in which she can no longer participate.  After returning home from a trip to Columbia to meet Reagan she asked tons of questions beginning with "when is Chris going back to work"?  Her work ethic is deeply ingrained within her personality, & she has never had any patience with someone she considers lazy. She is very proud of her family who are all hard workers/providers. I didn't inherit that part of her DNA; I love retirement, though it doesn't mean one does not work, just on a different schedule & in a different manner. I find myself joining her during her 12-2 p.m. nap time more often as time flies by.  

I wish I could say I have come up with many answers to the questions that arise in this life; actually, new ones arise each day. I do know that many of the things I feared have never taken place (as yet) & even if they should, I know I have an Anchor that holds steadfast & sure. I am heartbroken by the news of the loss of yet another dear heart, wife, mother, lovely lady to the ravages of the terrible "C" word; just received word last night that yet another beautiful lady whom I have known for many years had surgery yesterday for the same disease that has claimed so many beautiful people far too soon. Went to the visitation of the spouse of a dear friend last Sun. evening. I lost my love when he was only 57 years old, yet I thank God for the years together, though they were not always perfect. He deserved better than I sometimes was willing to give. As they say, signs of the times are everywhere, weather patterns, the way we humans behave, etc.  Yet, when I study the Word, so many things remain constant. The love of God remains the same, ever loving & forgiving, blessing us anew each day regardless of our thoughts, actions, behavior.  I absolutely cannot believe how quickly my family is changing in so many ways.  My eldest grandson will be 35 this year, my youngest granddaughter will be 10. I am loving life to the max watching, praying over 4 children, 6 grandchildren, 3 greats & many other family members & friends. I thank God for the gift & power of prayer & it blesses my heart when someone asks me to pray for them.  Mom & I are trying to hold things together at our address in the hometown of my entire life. I usually have something exciting (at least for me) to do each day.  I keep up with many family & friends via FB (speaking of signs of the time) - I really appreciate being able to operate my computer well enough to do this. 

One of my latest activities is singing with the Sr. Citizens Choir in Dexter (did I say senior - how can this be?) I love doing this & the friends acquired within this group. There are no tryouts & you can sing loud while making a joyful noise! The 85 year old pianist is absolutely amazing; she plays like I plan to in Heaven while in the alto section with Vestal Goodman (The Happy Goodmans) & Libbie Stuffle (The Perry's), stellar alto singers in my opinion. 

The signs of the times have proven to me many things including that all of us are empty people without God, searching for meaning after our failures.  Love is what enables us to pick up the pieces of broken hearts & lives & go forward renewed, undeservedly, but steadfastly. I am eternally grateful for His love, & the love of friends & family. I don't know how many miles are ahead of me, but I am enjoying the journey immensely & I am thankful for the signs that help keep me on the right track & all who assist in this process with their prayers & caring deeds of kindness & love.  

To all of those who have gone before during the sad times, I close with words from a song, "Till we Meet at Jesus Feet" & to those still on the joyous journey with me, "God be with You till We Meet Again".   You are all very SIGNificant to me!   Barb

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sum, sum, summertime!

Summer addition to our family
Whew! what a summer so far & it isn't over!  Lately I've been going to Aquilla where Yoder's & Asa Kinnamon have their wonderful fresh veggies, fruits, flowers & other wares that can be purchased by those of us who don't grow their own. Ah, the wonders that come from this good earth that has been so lovingly provided for us; forgive us when we desecrate it in the many ways we do, but that is "sermon material" for another time. (BTW, I am not a tree hugger yet, but I could easily become one & add that title to my others that I've heard, some flattering, some not).

I have been sticking closer to home, something that is a little tough for me. Mom is not doing as well with her vision & hearing gradually deteriorating, plus the price of gas & the fact that I, too, am growing older, lack of energy, etc.; however, I'm having an absolute blast!

We have to pay to have our yard mowed, pruned, preened, etc. & have an excellent man who does that work for us, but when I give him the check, I sorta have to hide the amount it costs because if Imogene knew, she would not believe it. Having been out of touch with the outside world for some time now, she is just appalled at the price of things. When I told her the price of  All Bran cereal,  ($3-4 per box) she said, "looks like I'm going to have to go back to eating oats". She often asks about the price of gas & worries that we may be sitting on the curb due to the cost of monthly utilities & informed me the other day that if we still used the tub instead of a shower, we could use that water on the flowers &  keep that bill down somewhat. Another mark against me, since I was the one who wanted the handicapped bathroom installed, plus, I'm too lazy to catch the water in 5 gal. buckets & take it out to thirsty flowers.  She also stated that we didn't have to flush the toilet every time which just appalls my clan - as we used to say, not  every time on #1, just #2  (that's the numbers she taught me many years ago) when we didn't say the words "pee" or bm's. One thing that makes me nostalgic is the fact that she no longer sits outside, at least very rarely due to the fact she can no longer see the entire neighborhood & ponder what is going on in their lives. I try to assure her that plenty goes on in our family to keep her mind & heart prayerful, so I do still hear her praying for them in the bathroom (including Casey Anthony - not implying we're quite that dysfunctional); if you need or care to know anything re. this fiasco, just ask her - she watched the entire trial. It did cause some lively rhetoric from her on how kids are being raised nowadays; guess what, I think I agree with mom in many instances. I told her we would be even more thankful for all those whose parents really do offer their kids the love, care, values & training they need in today's world.

My bunch has been so busy that we haven't even had birthday cake as yet for son Loyd's 40th. I'm holding out for one with both his & his son, Joe's name on it. He will be 11 on the 25th. This generation is one busy bunch; hope they don't look back some day & regret their busyness because I could tell them how quickly these children grow up & really do recall time with family & friends rather than constant outside activities. I'll say this, it's saved me from several Sunday lunchtimes & longer nap times for Barb & Em ; however, it causes me to have to attempt to keep up with them by phone, I prefer face to face communication any time.

Of course as goes in this life, there have been some sad times. A friend of Ken's (who has been gone 13 years this month) lost their only son at the age of 43, a dear friend is battling cancer again, I have experienced weather conditions that amaze me, yet life also never ceases to be filled with awe & ceaseless wonder/s. A classmate from the BHS class of 1961 came by & we went for a 2 hour lunch filled with laughter & memories, enjoyed an awesome picnic with church family at the Metcalf farm, went on a trip with daughters & granddaughter to Columbia to visit with brother & family & Chris & Pam where we loved on Jina & I went out to St. Joe church this past week & observed over 90 kids & 60 adults conducting VBS, a summertime staple for kids to my way of thinking. How impressive - I think God is smiling!  Two of my grandkids, daughter & daughter-in-law are participating (can you see my buttons popping)?  I ran into a good friend at W-M the other day & who said, I've missed Barbservations, when are you going to be blogging again - how nice of her!  She's another treasured asset from this community I love, a teacher who has persevered & still smiles!

I'm saving the best for the last paragraph; did you note the cute photo of my brother Joe & his Barb's  first granddaughter, Jina Claire?  They were unable to have children, so they adopted Morgan & Emma (I tease him about buttering up his mom - he now has Emma Jina, & his mom's name is Imogene). They didn't get Morgan until she was 9 months old, so God is permitting to enjoy this newborn since mom & Jina are with them due to Tom's deployment to Iraq. Jina looks exactly like her mom did as an infant. I understand that if all goes well, I am going to be a great grandma once again courtesy of Chris & Pam, something they are so anticipating as well as the rest of the family (maybe this time, Madilyn, there will be another girl). So do you see why I am thoroughly enjoying my 68th summertime? I pray the same for you - I feel so blessed as I sit here each day, knowing He loves me & shows me the way!   Continued blessings to all, Barb

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Flowers are opening wide their eyes!

Some of last year's beauties
April is almost over, the yard has already been mowed twice, & I don't have any flowers out as yet due to this unpredictable semo spring weather.  I have been anxious to visit the nursery at Aquilla, but just haven't as yet due to cool, windy, weather & mom says don't rush things because "blackberry winter" hasn't arrived as yet, whatever that is. Sarah told me at church this morning that dogwood winter has just passed. Guess I'm just impatient. (The name of a beautiful flower); I think it's spelled impatiens.

This has been such a long winter in this household. Mom has had quite a struggle, her vision seems to be getting worse almost by the day, her hearing is going downhill, she has finally very reluctantly agreed to see a dermatologist for some skin cancers on her face that really need attention; the things I "work on" to improve my own health seem to just get worse due to my lack of motivation for the most part. I have been out of high school now for 50 years (OMG) the word G standing for gosh in this instance & some of us are attempting to get a reunion together later this fall. Have you ever tried to get people together including family members even just for a Sunday meal? The t/c's back & forth, emails, what will & won't work for whatever reason, calendar considerations, etc. How our world has changed so quickly in my lifetime. I can recall being so nervous when learning to type on an electric typewriter - now attempting to conquer cyber space without causing my computer to crash.  One of mom's great concerns is that her struggle to write her weekly letters to Joe because of her failing sight. She certainly doesn't want me to see what she has to say, because then she couldn't tattle on sis to him. I can email him & tattle on her - doesn't seem quite fair; however, as we know, in close family circles, it usually makes the rounds eventually.

Mom always planted flowers, bushes, trees without any particular plan. Whenever anyone would share plants, flowers with her or Joe would send them to her for some occasion, (she rarely bought them)she would usually set them out somewhere in the yard. She would just get her shovel & hoe & plant, so of course when the kids started mowing, it drove them silly. She would put bricks around them to let them know they were flowers, because, at times, the boys would pretend they didn't know that & mow right over them. I never quite understood why, but she always made little mounds & mounded them up. Maybe once again, to keep them from being mowed down. Mom always mowed with a push mower, says she loved doing it & wishes she still felt like doing it. We have quite a large lot & it does offer good exercise; (especially with 2 large ditches to mow) the kids love talking about it still. Ken finally bought a riding lawn mower when Chris was doing the mowing. Finally of course, they all grew up, left home, & now we have to hire it done. I couldn't crank one of those push mowers up if my life depended on it & when Dennis came to mow the other day, he had a trailer with all the equipment he uses to mow. When Peggy mows on her "rider" next door, it has a grass catcher; mom thinks that's so funny.

This year, I hope to have some much needed trimming of old bushes done. They have been here since the Gumby's moved to town & mom never sees the need for replacing things that seem perfectly good in her estimation even if they are reaching to the skies & in every direction. We had a bush by the carport that 3 different bushes had grown into it, & a beloved rose bush that for some unknown reason she put a tire around the bottom of it when it was first planted probably in the early 60's.  Dennis Keith took the bush out the other day, & even though she couldn't see it too well, she had to grudgingly admit it probably was needed. She even commented that maybe it might help with the mosquito problem; I was more concerned with snakes & lizards. Even I can't part with the rose bush, though I would like to think of a way to remove that tire. 

I thank God for the beauty of spring, the colorful flowers, the birds that sing. I thank Him for the resurrection of His beloved Son, so that we may enjoy all the blessings of being able to live, love & serve Him. I'm thankful that mom has enjoyed all the springtimes that she has, for the love & joy that she has brought to this family.  If it wasn't for her, none of my family would be here, including myself.  Happy Easter to all my family & friends!  What a special time in the lives of all of those who love the Lord!  

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Top of the Pyramid

2 of Imogene's main men! (mine too) Joey /Chris
Last night at Trinity, we had such a wondrous night of fellowship & fun after I had just returned home from a great trip of fun with a friend of many years that I had really been looking forward to; in other words, I was wanting to get out of Dodge for a few days, see & experience something new & different & this dear friend had given me the perfect opportunity by offering me the chance to accompany her on a trip to Mississippi with her to visit her daughter. They are about 2 weeks ahead of us, so things were more green, the azaleas were in full bloom, as well as some other beautiful flowers.  As we drove through Memphis, I noted one of the landmarks located there, the Pyramid.

Seeing this building set me to thinking about things back at home & wondering how they were going. I had made arrangements for her care while I was out of town, fixed food, etc., & knew she would get lots of attention. One of the main men in her life, her first born great grandson, Joey, came by as well as her granddaughters, neighbors, etc., She could nose around the house & in the utility rooms which she doesn't do as frequently when I'm here.(does anyone need clothes hangers - I don't think she has EVER thrown one away) She could watch those horrible wrestling matches on Sat. night after her favorite preachers which is something she, Joey, & Chris used to do a lot of the time when they were younger. She would really get into it, making the moves, not realizing it (I don't think). Joey & Chris even had some of the wrestling figurines they had collected & knew most of their names.  I can recall years ago when we would drive to Cape to see them "live" at the arena. When we first purchased a tv set around 1955, dad would have me or Joe go outside to turn the antenna so the tv screen wouldn't be so "snowy". She now vows she always knew wrestling was an act; I don't know about that, just that she & her greats enjoyed these evenings together   with all the moaning, groaning, blood & guts - and, oh, those costumes!

She would also instruct the boys to always defend themselves against bullies. It was never a problem for Joey, who was always a big, stout boy; Chris was a smaller, quieter boy, a perfect combo! I worked at school & she & Tammy worked at the nursing center, so we managed to be with all the kids most of the time.  The neighborhood kids often gathered in this yard; it had a large yard with a ditch, bb goal, They shared the "toys" our kids had here, & acquired lots of lessons in life on the ditch bank that runs behind this house. There's nothing like kids having to use their imaginations, & if she perceived that someone was "picking on" Chris,(gotta remember, she left the windows up to listen) she would take Joey aside & instruct him to take care of the matter. After all, this is our yard was her theory, & they can be sent home if they don't follow our rules! That was Imogene's way of conflict resolution. It's so ironic to me that Joey is now the dad of 2 boys, Tanner & Chase, that remind me in many ways of he & Chris when they were younger. Joey thinks he is paying for his raising I think at times, yet he is one proud daddy!

The top of our pyramid has begun to falter due to the ravages of time, yet her strength never ceases to amaze me. Dad died at the age of 57, & mom will be 91 in Sept. if she lives or if the Lord doesn't return (as she says) & she is the head of 5 generations of this family; Imogene, Barb, Tammy, Joey, Tanner.  It is difficult for me to watch her as her steps falter in so many areas, yet I thank God that she is still capable of taking care of her basic needs & able to be in her beloved home. She can no longer leave this house & tells me she looks forward to her next home with great anticipation. I tell her to please not rush, because we all need her so very much. We all need the prayers of those we love - I sure do! She was pretty amused that our program last night at our salad supper was going to be about aprons, which she always wore, then got really interested as I got to looking for the one I really wanted to wear. I was moved to tears when she brought me a handkerchief she has had for many years to take also, she thought it might have been one of her mothers. Just think how many tears, noses, no telling what this hanky has wiped.

I thank the Lord for pyramids - they have a solid foundation. That's what this old world needs! They say that they still stand in Egypt; that's pretty amazing, something built that long ago with the bare hands of slave laborers. With the faith of Imogene & those before her, I understand somewhat more about the Solid Rock upon which I stand. Nothing, nothing, or no one in this life can ever take it away. My blessed responsibility & privilege is to pass it on!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Taking a Trip!!

Probably the daughter most like her mom  (Rhonda) 
I have a wonderful friend whose name is Martha Bennett who has had the courtesy & kindness over the many years of our acquaintance to invite me on several trips with her, some near & some far away. We both love to travel, explore & see what's going on around us. I first met Martha approximately 45 years ago when she, Gene, & Patti moved to a beautiful home on highway 25 in Bloomfield when he was transferred to this part of the country as an employee of the telephone company when most everyone still had landline telephones. Patti & my brother, Joe, were in the same class in BHS & that's how we initially became acquainted. She & I took some college classes together, she finished her degree & later taught several years in Bloomfield. I, however, dropped out because I kept becoming pregnant! I did become associated with our school system as a secretary to the elementary principal for 22 years & later as a classroom aide (those experiences are yet another blog).

I immediately "took" to Martha; she had such a wit about her that I loved, a spontaneous sense of humor, loved to read, travel, was interested in school activities, church, music, many of the same things I was & she loved coffee & was a great cook! I'll never forget the first time she invited me to ride with her to Thayer to visit her large, extended family. I just loved her mother, Clara, & those of her siblings I met. One sister, Kay, & I are also good friends. The drive to Thayer is such an awesome one during the spring & fall - it is absolutely breathtaking! It will make you thankful to God for the beauty He gave us in the form of nature, tress, wildflowers, creatures, etc. Also, during their early years of coaching when the famous Hewgley & Spoonhour coaches were at Bloomfield, they scheduled a bb game somewhere quite a ways off, or so it seemed at the time; seems like it was Cabool. Joe was a "second stringer" & the Bennett's invited me to ride with them to the game (Patti was a cheerleader)& we spent the night in Ava (maybe). We had such a great time with the families who went. I think we gave Gene a migraine from laughing & singing in the car on that trip!

The years passed, Joe & Patti grew up & one year Martha came to the office & said, Barb, let's go to New York City this summer. Oh, sure, I thought. Guess I'll stand down at the 4-way stop with a coffee can for the next year to raise the funds for this one but most are not overly prone to donate to an overweight 40 year old. Maybe I could put a pic of a starving child on the can, but God might frown on that one. But, Martha Flo had a plan. Our dear government sponsored a migrant program in our school at the time (I'm not kidding) & we would see if we could get summer jobs in this program. She, of course, would teach & I would do clerical work. It was a part of the summer school program. We applied & low & behold we were hired, not that I was surprised at her because she's a great teacher, but these government programs truly amaze me. It went on for 6 weeks, then we were off on our eastern bus tour with our summer school windfall! We saw historical sights, the Statue of Liberty, the Rockettes, a Broadway play, (a 15 year old boy on the tour recommended a wonderful play for us to see), & I was petrified, a country girl in the city. I wore a cape in mid-July over my purse because I was so afraid someone would snatch my purse. We saw Civil War battlefields, Washington D.C., all those things that we Americans need to see before we meet our Maker. It was experiences I will never forget including all those who traveled with us, memories I treasure. I keep a bag of souvenirs to this day from that trip.

Martha has taken my youngest 2 to varied historical local settings, caves, cemeteries in an attempt to teach them an appreciation for their forefathers. She's a generous soul, very giving of her time, talent, to others & again tomorrow she & I are setting off on a short trek to the beautiful south. Her children moved there several years ago, but after the death of Gene, she moved back home & now lives in Mammoth Spring, AR, the town next to Thayer, where she began. She has traveled many miles over the years, including to Scotland, Ireland, Israel with Patti, many other places. She is truly a global traveler. She has also written 2 books including "Where Golden Apples Grow". She celebrated her 80th birthday this past September, but still looks great, still plays the piano at the Thayer Methodist Church, still loves to travel & have coffee with friends just as we used to each day after school at Mac's Pizza in Bloomfield.  BTW, she is the one who will be doing the driving, I'm along for the good time!  Plus, her daughter told her she couldn't drive through Memphis alone!

Let me digress just a little; I'm sorry that we didn't take our family on more vacations/trips (short or long) when they were younger. Ken worked very hard; way too hard as far as I'm concerned, & we just didn't take the time to do some of the things I wish we had; not that I live in regret because I certainly know how blessed we are/were! We did go to the zoo, went to Nashville one year, did some other smaller things, but I wish we had spent more time with them showing them how to help others, taking day trips to places of interest, etc. I love my blog te. idea of packing lunch & touring Mingo. It doesn't take lots of money, just a little thought & planning. God has given us so much to see & experience & share. I had lunch today at the senior center in Puxico & had a conversation with 98 year old Wiley McGhee, who graduated from BHS 80 years ago - what a treat! He didn't begin to pursue his dream of becoming a minister until retirement age; he said he keeps trying to retire & let someone younger "take the pew" but they keep calling him back; we discussed the fact that the ministry is not an easy vocation. Talking with Rev. McGhee was a vacation moment/s for me!

I had my dream vacation in the summer of 2010. My youngest daughter, Jennifer (JJ) & her husband, Tom, own a condo in Destin, FL. One Sunday at our Sunday round table, she sort of dropped a bomb shell when she said, how would all of you like to come down the first week of June?  My heart jumped out of my chest - TU, Lord, I've always wanted a family vacation, & even though I'm not interested in laying in the sand & sun, I would just love, love, love going & watching, enjoying, being with all of them. I've had skin cancer, so I just don't take chances, besides, I have yet to see the bathing suit I would don. I keep thinking some ingenious stylist will come up with one, but I've yet to see it. The pic of Rhonda (daughter #2) at the top of the blog is sort of what I might have been several years ago; with a hat, etc. The tops of  her feet were beet red & she was slathered in oil, had on sun glasses & sat under an umbrella on the beach when not in the water. Two carloads of us drove down & joined the Hamptons who were already there, unloaded our gear, spent a wonderful week together & came home still speaking. It truly was a dream vacation for this mom & grandma;  many unforgettable experiences in this beautiful area of  FL as well as Mobile, AL where we stopped on the way down on Memorial Day & toured the USS Alabama. Wowzers (as Jake says)!

After this earthly journey, I will be on an eternal vacation with many others, one that will never end  for lack of money, time, or any of those other hindrances. As the song goes, "When I take my vacation in Heaven, what a wonderful trip that will be"!  I love vacations, short, long; looking forward to being with my friends in Mississippi for a few days & catching up with Martha & her brood again. I think I have everything "battened down" here with mom; lots of folks seeing to her, (what in this world are you doing that for, she asked)? I've fixed potato soup, beans, mac & cheese, greens hoping & praying & instructing her to stay off the stove. Thanks so much to the ones who donated their services at our auction so that we could give to others in Haiti because with that donation came the sweet gal who will be checking in on mom each day while I am gone along with my girls & Peggy & Jane.  I have the greatest family & friends, the very kind I would like to be! Forever grateful to all of you for all you do; pray for us while we are traveling - these are now 2 great grandmas traveling down the road together; how in the world did this happen so quickly?  We've both been widows now for several years; I'm so glad that in God's infinite plan, He provided family & friends for us to make this earthly journey with!  Don't have too much fun while I'm gone - see you soon; Blessings!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Basketball Has it All!

Bro Joe, Joey, Tanner, Joe Rice, Chris
#1 & only son, Loyd

 My blogging mentor/friend, Annette, reminded me earlier this evening that "March Madness" was taking place as we were communicating by cyberspace. I rarely watch basketball on tv unless it's a local team or unless my son, Loyd, is the referee or unless my brother or someone else is here to whom mom will reluctantly turn the remote over to. I call her "flicker finger" because just as sure as I show the slightest interest in anything that is showing on the tube (which is rare), she switches it!  Some real drama has taken place when she couldn't locate the remote & I have been awakened from naps, showers have been interrupted, & chairs turned upside down looking for the misplaced/lost device. Either Loyd or Joey (forgot which) bought us a new one but she didn't care for it, so she just got out the gray duct tape, repaired the old one & it's the one we still use.

I first recall loving basketball during my high school years when we had a pretty good team. I didn't get to attend all the games since we lived several miles out in the country, but dad would go on occasion, & I would catch a ride with friends when I could. I can still recall having a heart wrenching crush on coach "Gunner" Bill Gatlin. At that time, I thought he was such a "hunk" as the gals of today would say. I thought his wife, Shirley, was the luckiest woman on the planet. It was so ironic that they later divorced & he married a woman from my grandmother's hometown in Swifton, Arkansas, that my grandmother knew well.  Fred Pulley, who was a classmate of mine scored more points than anyone to date one season. So, we had some excitement during those years between 1957-1961. 

I can't recall the exact date the "new gym" was built, but I think it was completed around 1960. What a facility, especially for a town our size. We moved  from very small, cramped quarters to a facility that was hailed statewide. The famed Christmas tourney is still held every year. Even though the parking is horrendous with folks having to park almost out in the street, on the ball diamond, blocking people's drives, people come from almost the Arkansas border to participate in & to see this event. There has been SRO on many occasions, not only for the Christmas event, but county tournaments & other games. Basketball has it all in our part of the country. We've also witnessed some very exciting volleyball matches in this gym - my daughter, JJ & several of her classmates & friends had the fortunate experience to play under the tutelage of coach Barb Dalton who won a state championship one year. Their team sure gave us some excitement & thrills that JJ considers such a wonderful part of her high school memories. This lady was not only a great coach & teacher but such a great mentor for these young ladies. 

Our only son, Loyd, had the good fortune of being part of a winning basketball team. It was a sport he played the year round with his buds. He made lifelong friends, 2 of which have since died, such a difficult loss for him & our entire community. His coach, Ken Jackson, was also a very good role model. I am so thankful to God for this. He really enjoyed the sport & it helped make his school years very enjoyable & he is still very much into the area of sports today. He manages a sporting goods store & much to his mother's chagrin, refs college basketball games. It's difficult for me to attend a game that he is calling, because, Lord forbid, when someone disagrees with a call he makes, I just want to go up in the stands & have a "come to Jesus meeting" with them of which Loyd would highly disapprove. I think it can be a very effective teaching tool if we allow it to be; if we remember never to take the fun out of it, never purchase our victories at the expense of their losses or achieve satisfaction at the price of their agony. The pleasure must be in the playing, in being together; winning & losing can destroy the best that life has to offer. 

Lots of exciting basketball continued for me when Joey & Chris played in the 90's & I look forward to the years ahead with Joey's Tanner & Chase who are already practicing here at the house at the same bb goal that Loyd installed for his nephews. Mom & I have had lots of fun sitting under the carport watching our kids, grandkids, neighborhood kids, brother Joe, various & sundry others including lots of girls while away lots of time playing basketball. 

I have spent many happy hours & chalked up wonderful, joyous memories in the Bloomfield gymnasium watching basketball, volleyball, plays, musicals, graduations, (we even had our prom there back in the day); I have laughed, cried, gossiped, yelled, screamed, (it's one of the best places on the earth just to sit & observe people), it just ruins you from going to other high school gyms to watch events in my humble opinion. It's also one of those places that I've absolutely wanted to "jerk a knot in someone's tail" when in the middle of some performance, speech, etc.someone would get up & traipse across & up the steps, open the rr doors loudly & totally disrupt the moment! 

Our little community is small, but we have a beautiful veteran's cemetery, gorgeous city park, beautiful churches, a wonderful county court house that still sits in the middle of town, AND we still can boast that we have had the Bloomfield Christmas Tournament for over 50 years now. I have lived here all my 67 plus years and don't know most of the names of the streets in town, but I know many of the fine people who live here in this little piece of Heaven to me where you see lots of bb goals when you drive down the street/s.

I must close on a somewhat somber note; for the first time in many years, I do not have a Wildcat. JJ gave me a Bearcat t-shirt yesterday, & I admit I had to swallow hard. When Jake & Joe moved to Dexter, that took the 5th generation of our family who had been Wildcats; Aunt Movidene, me, Joe, my 4 kids, Joey & Chris, Jake & Joe. When they look up in the stands, they may just see a purple & red t-shirt. I would always yell for them, of course, encourage them to do & play their very best, but this blood will always run purple!  

Thursday, March 24, 2011

RIP Elizabeth Taylor

Yours Truly
I have no choice but to listen to cable news all day when I'm in the house since that's mom's main form of entertainment (after reading the Bible & I'm not making jokes here); if you watch CNN all day, you  need to read the Bible!  So, of course today one of the main things mentioned has been the death of Elizabeth Taylor, a beautiful Hollywood star. I've never been a huge movie fan; I occasionally watch a tear jerker, a comedy, or one that someone tells me I absolutely cannot miss, but that's about it; however, I have always been fascinated by their personal lives. I used to read movie magazines voraciously, saving my money to buy Photoplay, Modern Screen, & when I was a newlywed, I was always slipping People magazine into our grocery cart when it was a strained budget to begin with. I have weaned myself from this habit in my older years, sticking mainly to books & my new Nook & the computer(I think my daughters are now magazine readers).
Mom finally said, oh my Lord, let the woman rest in peace! She was married a dozen times, took away I don't know how many women's husbands's & I don't guess those men cared about their kids - (she was really getting wound about now)! She's been in the hospital for a month - at least she's not having to lay up in a nursing home somewhere; no doubt SHE got the best of care. Probably never had to cook or clean house or take care of her kids. No wonder she gave money to the AIDS people (this is still mom talking, not me) with the kind of life she lived. You know how people get AIDS. She could have given that money to hungry kids. I bet she never darkened a church house door - (I wasn't commenting, I haven't a clue on this matter; I did say to mom that she had time while she was ill for some time to talk to God). Well, that's what they do, she said, wait until the very end, when they get real sick then mention God's name.  I can recall being very upset with Liz when she took Eddie Fisher away from Debbie Reynolds (not allowing for the fact that the path goes 2 ways). For some reason, we seem to always want the women to bear the brunt of the blame, especially if the women are beauties, just like David & Bathsheba in the OT.

As I ponder, there's a lot of truth as always in what mom had to say about Liz. I don't always agree with her either. I've never lived, nor do I wish to, in the limelight. I do regret that many people look to so called stars as idols & mentors rather than everyday folks who live life with joy, kindness, awareness of God & others. My personal hope for Liz is that her latter years were spent in reflecting & coming up with answers & conclusions to life that brought her joy & peace. I know that Jesus forgave the woman at the well that had committed adultery & had been married 5 times - he has a tender heart for all of us; Elizabeth Taylor with her beautiful violet eyes is certainly no exception. I'm glad He's my Redeemer! 
